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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Eco Schools

eco schoolsThe Government in England wants every school to be a sustainable school by 2020. The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) launched their Sustainable Schools Framework in 2006 when it set out challenging long-term aspirations for schools to put learning about sustainable development issues and sustainable practices into everyday school life.

Eco-Schools is an international award programme that guides schools on their sustainable journey, providing a framework to help embed these principles into the heart of school life.

More information can be found on the Eco-Schools website. 




Greenleaf has achieved the silver award. We recycle a range of things including batteries and shoes. We have a termly target that we all work towards such as saving energy by remembering to switch off lights as we leave a room.

We use the school pond and our allotment for a range of science lessons, both things we can walk to and do not need to use transport for.

If you would like to come along and help at our allotment please feel welcome.

They are really nice mornings, coffee and biscuits provided, you can come and spend time in the beautiful outdoors, brush up your green fingerness and see your families in a different context.

It also helps to do the larger jobs, deep weeding, painting the greenhouse, repairing the beds, that we can't do with the classes. The families who attend also then volunteer over the summer to be caretakers of our plot, helping to water and weed over the summer holidays.

Please see Ms Franklin or Ms O’Donnell if you have any questions.

ECO Code

We have written an eco code which can be seen on the Eco Schools notice board in the Annex Hall and is reproduced below:

  • Look after all the creatures in the pond and in the garden
  • Keep our classrooms, playground and our whole school tidy
  • Throw rubbish in the bin
  • Recycle materials by making stuff with them and using them again
  • Don't waste electricity; turn off the lights and the computers when you are not using them
  • turn off the taps when you finish washing your hands as we don't want to waste water