Global Learning at Greenleaf
At Greenleaf, we hold international activities at the core of everything we do. We pride ourselves on being a multi-cultural school where we celebrate diversity. Our curriculum embeds a global approach throughout the school and our children are challenged to think carefully about the planet that they will inhabit. This is made possible by having a team who are motivated to ensure that the children have an enriching experience which empowers them to be global citizens, ready for the future.
We follow the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals which guide everything we do. Here are just a few ways in which we embed the goals into our curriculum:
Nursery learn about caring for animals and their environment (Goal 15 - Life on Land).
In Reception, one of the themes studied is Interdependence and understanding how families, people, animals and the environment all rely on one another. (Goal 17- Partnerships for the Goals).
Year 1 look at the lives of the Windrush Generation in Walthamstow and think about how we can ensure that we develop our skills in tackling racism and inequality (Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities).
Year 2 explore healthy living (inside and out) and the basic needs of all animals and plants to survive (Goal 3- Good Health and Well Being).
Year 3 study the text Iron Man which warns of the dangers of our overconsumption on the planet (Goal 12- Responsible Consumption and Production).
In Year 4, one of the topics is Water and Ice which looks at our water usage and how we rely on it to ensure we survive (Goal 6 -Clean Water and Sanitation).
Year 5 read Journey to Jo’Burg, a text which explores racism and its links to poverty in South Africa during Apartheid. Focusing on how we can ensure access to opportunity is available to all, not just those with money or of a certain race/background (Goal 1 –No Poverty).
Year 6 take a trip to the Royal Courts of Justice as part of their Crime and Punishment topic (Goal 16 -Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and think about how important it is that rule of law is upheld in society.
Those interested in learning more about global learning can find out more at these sites:
If you have any skills or global sessions you would like to deliver, or even if you would just like to find out more, then please email our International Schools'/Global Dimension Coordinator, Mr Mark Scott on: He would be delighted to hear from you.