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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Home Learning Spring 1 Week 1

Week 1 - 3Ci



Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths lesson video on number facts

Tuesday Task


Reading Lesson Video

Chapters1-2 Iron Man

Reading powerpoint


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy powerpoint

Literacy Task


Spellings Task

Spellings Powerpoint



Afternoon Activities


Click here to find out what our new target is from Ms Hurrell... 

PSHE Powerpoint

Place2Be Video


This term we are continuing to learn about Christian festivals. We have learnt about advent and this term we are finding out how Christmas is celebrated by Christians across the world. Look at the Christmas Around the World powerpoint which tells you how Christians in some countries celebrate Christmas. Use www.whychristmas.com to give you more information. Then choose a country and use the worksheet to record what you have found out about Christmas in that country.If you don't have access to a printer just write out the information in your home learning book.

Christmas Around the World Powerpoint

Christmas Around the World Writing Worksheet




Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Watch the Related Calculations video on the White Rose Home Learning website: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/week-1-number-multiplication-division/ 

Answer the questions on Wednesday’s Maths Sheet

Wednesday Questions

Wednesday's Answers


Reading Lesson Video

Reading powerpoint 

Readers Theatre


Spelling Task

Spelling Powerpoint


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Task

Literacy powerpoint

Word Bank


Adverbs Powerpoint

Adverbs Test


Afternoon Activities


Our topic for Science this half term is Scientists

Have a look at the information sheets about the different scientists. What is a scientist? What kinds of people are scientists? What do scientists do? What characteristics do scientists demonstrate? Draw a picture of what you think a scientist looks like.

Science Information Sheets

Garrett Morgan

Ada Lovelace

David Attenborough

Mae Jemison

Marie Curie


Use Busy Things (use the link on the learning tab – homework) go to KS2 – click on your class page, then computing, click on computer literacy and practise touch typing using either Tree Keys or Bird Words or using Dance Mat Typing https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr




Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Start your layered learning – remember that if you would usually start at question 5 of Secure It and Deepen It then please do that! Use the inverse (opposite) operation for the missing number questions. Stop at the end of Secure It.

Layered Learning


Reading Lesson Video

Chapters1-2 Iron Man

Reading powerpoint


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy powerpoint

Literacy Task

Box Up Plan


Spellings Task

Spellings Powerpoint

Thursday Suffix Cards


Afternoon Activities


This term we are going to learn about the Romans. We are going to start by looking at timelines. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc64qurhFng which explains about timelines. Then go through the Smartboard and draw a time line of your own life. Start with the date you were born and end on today’s date, then fill in important dates in between. Carry on with smartboard and then use the Roman timeline worksheet and cut out the events or draw them out and put them in order.

History Smartboard

Roman Timeline


Practice your numbers. Using the link to Espresso on the homework page of the Greenleaf website: https://www.greenleaf-school.org.uk/Learning/Homework-Help/ Once you are on Espresso go to Key Stage 2 – Languages – French Allez. Then at the bottom of the picture click/tap on Les Nombres, then Which numbers 1-31? Watch the video and then complete the Things to Do – How Many?


Caoimhe has made some video music lessons for you to join in with each week. Don't worry if your recorder is at school, you dont need to have your recorder with you to join in.

Music Lesson

Music Lesson Part 2!




Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Complete Deepen It on the Layered Learning Sheet

Layered Learning


Reading Lesson Video

Chapters 1-2 Iron Man

Reading powerpoint


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy powerpoint

Literacy Task


Spellings Task

Spellings Powerpoint


Afternoon Activities


You can find all of Joe Wicks’ PE videos on his YouTube channel. Go back and redo a one of his PE sessions or do one that you missed. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBsXs1WmPcektsQyFbXTf9FO

Or complete one of the challenges that Mr Morris has out on his PE page! https://www.greenleaf-school.org.uk/Learning/PhysicalEducation/

When you’ve done your exercise, write a letter or a poem describing how you feel after exercise.


Over the next few weeks we are going to be exploring Roman mosaics. Do some research about roman mosaics, finding out how they are made, the different patterns and images they created, whether any survive to this day. You could use Espresso to help you. The link to Espresso is at the bottom of this page: https://www.greenleaf-school.org.uk/Learning/Homework-Help/ 

Write down five facts that you have learnt about mosaics and draw a picture of your favourite mosaic that you found during your research.