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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Home learning Week 8 - 1st March

Monday 1st March

Year 1 phonics zoom at 11:45.

Literacy - The Lion Inside.

Maths - division

Pick and mix - click here.

 Tuesday 2nd March

 Phonics zoom at 11:45.

Literacy - The Lion Inside.


Maths - division

PE with coach James.

Pick and Mix - click here.

Wednesday 3rd March

Phonics zoom at 11:45.

Oak Class zoom Assembly at 2:30.

Literacy - The Lion Inside - 'est' spelling.

Maths - division

Dance with Cheryl.

Pick and Mix - click here.

Thursday 4th March   - World Book Day!

Remember dress up as your favourite book character for the World Book Day zoom at 11:45.

Phonics lesson - adding est!

Maths - division

Pick and Mix - click here.

Friday 5th March 

Yew class zoom assembly 11:45

Literacy - 'er' and 'est' sentences.

Maths games.

Pick and Mix - click here.