Happy Holidays Year 3!
Well done on completing home learning! We hope you have enjoyed it.We have been so impressed with how hard you have worked during home learning and all the different things you have been up to. We have both thoroughly enjoyed being your teachers this year and we know that we are handing on absolutely amazing classes to Year 4. Have an amazing summer!
Summer Reading Challenge!
This year's Summer Reading Challenge is to take a photo of yourself hiding behind your favourite book. It could be a book you read during lockdown or one by your favourite author.
Send photos to class teachers before 17 July using class emails larch@greenleaf.waltham.sch.uk, maple@greenleaf.waltham.sch.uk OR after 17 July to school@greenleaf.waltham.sch.uk. All photos by 7th September please.
Click here to see the SUMMER READING CHALLENGE launch video
It would now normally be the Summer holidays so for the next six weeks we do not expect you to do a full days work but there are few things that we would like you do to make sure that you are ready for Year 4 in September!
Daily Tasks
Mental Maths
We would like you to do 4 mental maths questions each day, there is a slide on the powerpoint for each day of the holidays.
For this to work properly on a phone or tablet you will need to download the powerpoint app (it's free from the app store) and use that to open the powerpoint otherwise you'll be able to see the answers!
Times Tables
Please keep practising your times tables 2-3 times a week using TTRS or Numbergym.
We would like you to read for 30 mins every day, you can still quiz on AR using the link on the homework page of the Greenleaf website and you can use MyOn to read and quiz on lots of different Accelerated Reader books too - please see the instructions on this link!
There is also a handy Parents Guide to MyOn.
You can also use The ReaderTeacher for ideas of books to read.
Spelling and Handwriting
We would like you to practice your spelling and handwriting for 30 mins every day
Word Searches - not all of these words are on the Word Walls as they are Year 3 and 4 spelling words!
Big Write
I have given you one big write task a week to complete over the summer, this is so that you keep practising your writing skills so that you can impress your new teacher in September!
There also some grammar, punctuation and literacy tasks for you to do in this booklet.
Arts Award
William Morris Gallery are doiing an Arts Award Discover at Home project over the summer for anyone ages 5-24. You can take part by working through their booklet and doing lots of different art activities!
More information here: https://wmgallery.org.uk/learning/arts-award
We would like you to practice all the maths that you have learnt over Year 3 so that you are ready for maths in Year 4.
Multiplication Challenge Certificates
Thank you for all your support throughout lockdown - we have missed everybody lots! We hope you are all able to have a wonderful summer break.
Stay safe and take care,
Miss Hurrell, Miss Feggetter and Mrs Allen