Home Learning
Welcome back Year 3!
Hello Maple and Larch! We hope you all enjoyed a little break over the Easter holidays and you are ready to start back on your home learning! We will be responding to emails from Monday 20th April so please email us with any problems, worries or to show us what you have been up to as your photos make our day! Hopefully everyone is staying safe and well - see below for this week's home learning activities!
Miss H and Miss F
Below is the work for week 3 of home learning!
Suggested Daily Timetable
Click on the green words for links
8:45am - 9am Reading - You can now quiz online once you have read your AR book. Use the link on the homework page on the Greenleaf website and log in using your usual login details.
9am - 10am - Maths - A maths topic activity including Times Table Rock Stars or Numbergym.
We have created a handy sheet to help you login to Numbergym from home. How to login to Numbergym. Your childs student login is the same as their Accelerated Reader username (not their password).
10am - Break Time
10:30am - 11:00 Spelling Games (Word Walls 9 and 10)
11:00am - 12:00pm - Literacy
12:00pm - Lunch Break
1:00 - 1:20pm - Reading
1:20pm - 2:20pm - Pick and Mix Activity of your choice
2:20pm - 3:20pm - PE - choose one of the activities to complete each day.
3.20pm - 3.30pm Diary Entry ( Write a short paragraph about your day, how you are feeling, etc to share with a parent).
Please click on the following areas to see the daily tasks and links to resources you will need.
Reading - Use MyOn to read your AR books and use the questions prompts to ask your child different questions as they are reading to check their understanding.
Resources for the week -
Maths - Maths tasks
Literacy - Gregory Cool Text
Features of persuasive texts Thursday
Friday Success criteria and key vocab
Remember to use the MyOn website to read and quiz on lots of different Accelerated Reader books - please see the instructions on this link!
There is also a handy Parents Guide to MyOn.
Contact Details
Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see everyone as soon as possible!
Miss Hurrell, Miss Feggetter and Mrs Allen