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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery


Welcome Back Year 3!


I hope you had a fantastic Half Term and had lots of fun in the sunshine! Thank you so much to everyone that has emailed us to show us their fabulous work and what they have been up to over half term!

As we go back to home learning again, please can we reassure parents/carers that the home learning is there to support your child but is not meant to be overwhelming or stressful.  Our main priority is that the children are happy and have good health - both mentally and physically - and will be adding some wellness and mindfulness activities to our pick and mix page in the coming weeks to help with this. If you are finding that the work online is getting too much then please just do what you can or have a day off from home learning. We are here to hopefully support you through this difficult time so please do not hesitate to email us if you need any help or support. 


You can still do the Half Term History Project!

When you are walking around Walthamstow we would like you to look out for an interesting building, take a photo of it, make a note of the location of the building (what street it's on) and when you get home write about what you noticed and try to do some research about the building - if it is old, how you can tell and what clues you can find out about its past.

Then email us with what you saw and what you learned, including photos and drawings if you can. 

You can find more information about the project and full details about what we would like you to do, with an example, using the link (words in green) below.

Virtual Heritage Project

If you have not yet sent in your project, you can still send it in and we would love to see them.

We are all missing you so much and hope that you have a good return to home learning!

Stay safe,

Miss H, Miss F and Mrs Allen



Miss Hurrell reading The 13-Storey Treehouse

(I apologise that it is so long (nearly 1 hour!!) - you may want to watch it in several sittings! Next time, I will record a few chapters at a time!!)


Star of the Week!

Our Stars this week in Maple are.... 

Govind - for all of his hard work keeping up with his reading and quizzing as well as doing NumberGym and TTRS regularly. Please email Miss H to get your certificate emailed to you!!

Thomas - for doing lots of interesting work - not only completing some of the home learning but getting on super well with his brothers and working on projects together like making a mobile phone and learning to cook.

Sara -  for all of her hard work keeping up with her reading and quizzing as well as doing NumberGym and TTRS regularly and emailing me to show me her amazing work.


Our Stars in Larch are.....

Maya - who has been working really hard and made a wonderful shadow puppet show experimenting with both puppets she made and using her hands as well as working hard researching and doing projects on different projects. 

Karish - he has been doing a wonderful job with his reading and has taken lots of quizzes. He has also been regularly sending me his work.

Fleur - who has been doing lots of reading and quizzing as well as having fun with shadows and a beautiful Art project.


Below is the work for week 8 of home learning!


Suggested Daily Timetable

Click on the green words for links


8:45am - 9am Reading - You can now quiz online once you have read your AR book.  Use the link on the homework page on the Greenleaf website and log in using your usual login details. 

9am - 10am - Maths - A maths topic activity including Times Table Rock Stars or Numbergym.

We have created a handy sheet to help you login to Numbergym from home. How to login to Numbergym. Your childs student login is the same as their Accelerated Reader username (not their password).


10am - Break Time

10:30am - 11:00 - Spelling Games (Word Walls 5 and 6)

11:00am - 12:00pm - Literacy

12:00pm - Lunch Break 

1:00 - 1:20pm - Reading

1:20pm - 2:20pm - Pick and Mix Activity of your choice


2:20pm - 3:20pm - PE  - choose one of the activities to complete each day. 

3.20pm - 3.30pm  Diary Entry (Write a short paragraph about your day, how you are feeling, etc to share with a parent). 


Please click on the following areas to see the daily tasks and links to resources you will need.


Reading - Use MyOn to read your AR books and use the questions prompts to ask your child different questions as they are reading to check their understanding.


Resources for the week - 

Maths Resources

Maths Tasks

Monday's Questions

Tuesday's Questions

Wednesday and Thursday Layered Learning

Extra Challenges


Literacy Resources

Literacy Tasks

Information Text on Pigs

Features Checklist



Pick and Mix Resources

Pick and Mix Tasks

Geography Task

British Food Map Help Sheet

Mindfulness Cards


Remember - you can now use a new website called MyOn to read and quiz on lots of different Accelerated Reader books - please see the instructions on this link!

There is also a handy Parents Guide to MyOn.


Contact Details

We will not be responding to emails over Half Term but will be available from 1st June so feel free to email us and we will get back to you then.



Thank you for your continued support - we are all missing everybody lots!  We hope you are all able to have a wonderful Half Term, stay safe and take care,


Miss Hurrell, Miss Feggetter and Mrs Allen