Curriculum Subjects
Design and Technology
Physical Education
Religious Education
Modern Foreign Languages
At Greenleaf we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our children. Learning a language helps to develop communication skills of speaking and listening and extends their knowledge of how language works. High quality language education fosters pupil’s curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. Expressing their ideas and thoughts in another language and being able to respond in speech and writing. Learning another language gives children a new perspective on the world, opening their eyes to new possibilities and future careers beyond English speaking countries and encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.
We love learning about different languages at Greenleaf! We start introducing greetings in French and other languages in Nursey and our children leave in Year 6 having had a range of opportunities learning about languages and different cultures. During their time at Greenleaf, children have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to France. As a ‘British Council Accredited International School’ we exploit links with schools in other countries, developing pen-pals, having student visit and deliver language clubs whilst also celebrating the wealth of languages that are spoken within the Greenleaf Community through events such as Greenleaf Journey Day.
MFL at Greenleaf Primary School
At Greenleaf, we teach French in Key Stage 2 based upon the Rigolo scheme of work. It is a comprehensive programme providing interactive resources and opportunities for project work. Teachers are able to adapt resources and delivery to the needs of their class using adaptive teaching methods. Assessments include peer and teacher assessment.
Rigolo is a fun way to learn French which enables children to enjoy learning and feel successful and positive about learning languages.
The Rigolo Scheme is taught through:
- Well taught and appropriately sequenced content
- Thoughtfully designed assessment practice
- Cumulative learning; which allows pupils to make conscious connections in its content, across subjects, through vocabulary choices
- Subject content is both knowledge and vocabulary rich. It embeds learning and encourages automatic and fluent retrieval of language through planned revisiting.
The spiral curriculum enables children to retain phonic, grammatical and vocabulary knowledge and gain confidence. Phonics, grammar and vocabulary progression is focussed on in the planning as the building blocks of language.
Subject Content
By the end of their time at Greenleaf, pupils will …
Subject: French
Be confident, imaginative and demonstrate self-expression through language and performance.
Be interested in and show respect for different cultures and attitudes.
Be aware of and challenge stereotypes and reflect on the importance of developing tolerance.
Celebrate knowledge and understanding of others.
Confidently say and read a range of key words/phrases eg body parts, numbers, colours.
Confidently use a range of everyday phrases.
Respond in a full sentence when asked a question.
Listen to and understand the main points and some detail from a short spoken or written passage.
Give a presentation in a clear audible voice eg about an aspect of another country.
Learn sketches and dialogues and perform to an audience.
Listen and join in with a range of poems, stories and songs.
Develop greater independence in applying language learning strategies and in transferring language from one context to another.
Converse briefly with prompts.
Read a variety of longer texts.
Develop a short text using a model.
Read aloud, listen and speak with confidence.
Participation in:
School trip to France.
Events which develop community cohesion eg Greenleaf Journey Day, International Evening.
Modern Foreign Language clubs offered give further experience and enjoyment of other languages.