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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery


Through our teaching of geography we aim to:

  • stimulate pupils' enthusiasm for, and curiosity about their surroundings and the wider world;
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of the different communities and cultures within Greenleaf, Walthamstow, London, Britain and the world - and how these relate to each other;
  • increase their knowledge and understanding of the changing world;
  • encourage pupils to ask questions and propose solutions to environmental problems within school and the wider world;
  • develop pupils' competence in specific geographical skills (such as use of maps, secondary sources, ICT, aerial photographs, data logging equipment and considering evidence from a range of sources);
  • foster a sense of responsibility and respect for our school grounds, our local area, the wider world and planet earth, its people and its resources.


We aim to give children a passion for Geography through regular field trips and practical opportunities, including visits to the coast (Isle of Wight, Southend, De Haan in Belgium), the forest and alternative environments, for example Lee Valley Park in Cheshunt. 



For further information on our expectations for all children in Geography by the time they leave Greenleaf, please click here.