Our Greenleaf Allotment
June 2020- Greenleaf Grows
Let us know what you've been growing at home! Mrs Powell shared these photos of beautiful strawberries and a super tall sunflower!!
Please send in photos of what you've been growing, we'd love to share it all here!
Seryn watering her strawberries! They look like they'll be sweet ones soaking in all the recent sunshine we've been having.
Here is what Humza has been growing... his sunflower is now taller than Humza!
Remember to send in photos of what you've been growing this year!
May 2020
Due to the current pandemic, we are trying our hardest to keep the allotment healthy and growing the crops we'll need once we're back together.
Luckily for us, a helpful neighbour and ex-Greenleaf parent cut the paths back.
The potatoes are growing well as are the garlic and onions. We have some seedlings of tomatoes which we hope to get in the ground soon. Back at school we have a few more seedlings to bring down and get planted out.
Don't worry, as soon as restrictions allow we will arrange a working party so you can come along and see how we're getting along.
We're really proud and grateful that all of the hard work, commitment and enthusiasm from the Greenleaf community has meant we've been awarded Bronze from Food for Life. On to silver!!!
Thank you all for your support and passion for our allotment. Keep safe and hopefully growing your own veg or salads at home! Send us pictures of the healthy things you're growing and even the healthy meals and we'll post them here!
March 2020
Thankfully we managed to sow some seeds at school in February. We will hopefully be able to grow these on and reap the rewards when we all return to school.
Here's a little shot of a bird who made our shed their home!
September 2019
The Allotment in the curriculum. Food outcomes.
The allotment is going to be buzzing this year with all classes sowing, planting and harvesting their own crops to turn into a delicious dish! Each class will be visiting twice across the year as well as nurturing seedlings at school.
Reception will be growing herbs to flavour a tasty dip for chapattis!
Year 1 Will be making a salad for a heathy sandwich
Year 2 Will be making a crunchy salad
Year 3 Will be making healthy tomato and onion pizzas- hopefully with a variety of different tomatoes.
Year 4 will be planting and harvesting garlic, like the Egyptians to build strength and a healthy immunity.
Year 5 will be planting a variety of vegetables, chilies and herbs for a tasty Jollof rice.
Year 6 will be getting creative with pumpkins and squash!
Family Working Parties.
Open mornings for Greenleaf families.
We have a full year of Working Parties planned. See the school calendar for dates. These typically occur on a Saturday morning. Starting promptly at 10:00am and finishing at 12:0pm. The sessions are always lots of fun and a fantastic way to get outside and surround yourself with plants! We've had little ones and older ones come along, share their knowledge, learn something and meet new friends. We are usually repairing the raised beds or greenhouse, weeding the beds and paths, planting seeds or seedlings. Sometimes we're lucky enough to harvest a little treat too!
Always let the school office know if you are planning on attending. We'd love to see you there.
Daffodil Display: Autumn 2019 for Spring 2020!
This Autumn, your child will be coming home with a planted daffodil bulb, please help your child to take care of the bulb. Don't worry, we will send home instructions! We'd love it if all the children returned the daffodil to school- date to be confirmed... for a whole-school display. Children will then bring their daffodils home again.
Allotment Club. Years 5 and 6. 2019-2020
This takes place every Tuesday between 3:20 (We walk down from school) to 4:45pm Where the children are either collected from the allotment or travel home with a buddy. There are still a couple of places available. If you are interested, speak with the office.
There has been plenty of wildlife visiting the plot over the summer! Something has been tucking into the sunflower seeds and the bees are loving what is left!
Summer Holiday Crew!
Over the summer holidays, a few dedicated families took on the responsibility of looking after the school's plot for a week! Thanks to their hard work, the plot is looking fantastic! We will have a grand harvest this autumn and the children will be reaping the benefits of all of their hard work. A huge thank you to you all. From all the Greenleaf family.
May 2019 Working Party
The sun shone for our morning at the allotment. Lots of families came along and planted out the tomatoes, sunflowers, pumpkins and squashes. There was plenty of weeding to do to keep on top of the area behind the greenhouse.
The fruit trees we tended to and the hedge, given a haircut.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers, both big and small, who came along on Saturday and give up two hours of their weekend!
It was amazing, we managed to: clear the greenhouse, repair the raised beds, plant beetroot, chard, spinach and parsnips. Plant two new peach trees and dig over a bed ready for the potatoes we have chitting.
Many families said they would be back for the next session!
We couldn't do it with out you!
Allotment Newsletter July 2015
21 September
A sweet time down at the allotment.
As well as harvesting (eating really !) the last of the late raspberries, taking home courgettes and marrows, the children of Allotment Club had a taste of fresh honey.
The children sucked the honey from the bees wax and guessed at the subtle hints of flower aromas, while learning about the threat of the wax moth to hives.
Eric the Bee Keeper will turn our chewed beeswax into candles for sale!
It wasn't all harvesting and tasting, the children have been busy weeding beds and planting strawberry runners ready to plant a strawberry bed.
10th July
Our very first two courgettes!
Well done Greenleaf Growers!
Sunday 18th May
A huge thank you to everyone who came along to the allotment on sunny Sunday.
It was a beautiful day, everyone worked really hard to clear the weeds from around the fruit trees and canes and greenhouse. We potted out some of our seedlings that are thriving in the greenhouse.
We built five raised beds for the front of the plot, which were lined, placed and filled!
We achieved so much, we are almost ready for the Grand Opening.
Look out for more family dates soon.
Allotment Committee
Minutes of meeting held 21 March 2014
Sunday 9th March - Tree Planting
On Sunday, when the sun was shinning, a number of Greenleaf parents and children joined Miss Franklin and Sarah Nichols to plant our very own Fruit trees. We have 2 apple, 2 pear and 2 plum trees, redcurrants, blackcurrants and whitecurrants as well as summer and Autumn Raspberries. Hopefully in the next year or so we will be making Greenleaf Jam!!!
We also now have our first scarecrow. Can you spot his Lemon Balm hair?
A huge thank you to everyone who made it down to the allotment.
We look forward to seeing more of you down there very soon. Look out for the next Family Day.
Saturday 7 December
It was a beautiful bright Saturday morning last weekend and Ged, (Rosie, Stan and Freddie's dad) and Sarah (Charles, Arthur, Clement and Gabriel's mum) spent the day at the allotment with Ged's brother and Miss Franklin. We managed, thanks to Ged for the preparation, to cut down, secure and repair the greenhouse sides.
All it needs now is it's roof!!!
Watch this space.
Friday 13th December
Hey Presto!!!
Not quite 'hey presto' but rather a day's work in the damp drizzle!
Thank you Sarah Nichols and Ged Shaw.
The greenhouse is going to be the hub of Greenleaf's food production.
Friday 15th November 2013
'Design the Allotment' Competition Winners Announced
Congratulations to:
Ismael 3CE 1st place winner. Congratulations, we look forward to seeing some produce from your psychedelic salad kit.
Runners up 2nd and 3rd place go to:
Jerome 2TO and Thomas 5GN. It will be interesting to see which sunflower grows the tallest!
Ismael will be cutting the ribbon at the official opening ceremony. His class mates will be able to go along and be amongst the first to begin planting at the wonderful Greenleaf Allotment.
Thank you to all the children who entered the competition, look out for your ideas in the final design.
Check out the display in the main hall to see all the design entries.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to Barbara, allotment manager, for taking so much care in judging the huge pile of entries.
10 November 2013
Busy Building Day at the Allotment
An enormous thank you to everyone, young and old, who made it down to the allotment yesterday. It was a fabulous day with everyone getting their hands dirty. The community came together and had a healthy, fun day for the whole family. Over 60 people came in total. Hopefully we have captured most of you in the photos.
With many hands we made light work of preparing the greenhouse, sanding and painting it with preserver. We managed to build, line, place and fill 10 raised beds. This was as well as potting a number of bulbs and seeds before the frost kicks in.
Teas and coffees were flowing, biscuits and flapjack crunching and a (warmish) cup of soup for slurping kept the energy levels up.
A special thank you to Sarah, Jed and Liz who sourced, collected and delivered the greenhouse and the scaffolding planks.
Look out for more days advertised soon. We still have lots to do!
12 October 2013
Family Fun at the Allotment
A huge thank you to all the families who came along to the allotment on Saturday. The sun was shining and the cups of tea flowing as we worked hard to level the seating area. We cleared the area of weeds, used a spirit level to make sure it was flat and then put down a weedproof membrane.
The children loaded wheelbarrows and collected woodchip to cover the floor of the seating area.
We rebuilt the seating area and carried on weeding the rest of the plot ready to build in the winner's design.
The competition entries are being judged as we dig! The winner will be revealed soon, so watch this space!!!
If you are interested in helping at the allotment and coming along one weekend to build the raised beds and our greenhouse just let Ms Franklin know. Everyone is welcome. There is plenty of work to be done.
September 2013
The Allotment: A Report by Zakariya
A huge thank you to the PTA who have agreed to support our allotment.
It was a fabulous summer with plenty of sunshine and enough rain for the weeds to thrive! We’re ready for an exciting year at Greenleaf’s allotment. Watch this space!
Trying out a seating area for our outdoor classroom.
We’ve used railway sleepers which we already had at school. Smaller bits were donated by generous local builders.
Once we know a whole class of children can use this space effectively we will level off the ground, cover it with woodchip and build a canopy so we can carry on learning even if it rains!
Look what we found! Our first potatoes. There are still more to be dug up!
We still have a lot of space to develop.
Get designing and remember the closing date for the competition is Friday 27thSeptember.
Don’t worry children in KS1, you will be getting your entry forms from your teachers this Friday.
The winner will get to cut the ribbon at the grand opening with their class. We can’t wait to see all your ideas.
July 2013 We have been fortunate enough to secure an allotment, a resource for the whole school. It is located just behind the town hall a short walk from school (or a short hop on the 123 bus for little legs). The allotment has been a bit neglected and will require a lot of work to ensure that we make the most of it and are able to maintain it effectively. It is approximately 25 metres long and 5 metres wide. |
Overgrown! |
This is what it could look like ........... |