Reception Class Page
Reception Newsletter Spring 2025
Weekly 'Parent Points' Sheets
Reception Workshops
'Welcome to Reception at Greenleaf' Powerpoint for Parents
These are additional workshops that you may also find useful:
Here are some books all about starting school. Click on the titles to enjoy the book
I am too Absolutely Small for School.
How to get to Reception
Phonics in Reception
At Greenleaf, we use Little Wandle phonics teaching programme.
Weekly activities on Google Classroom will be closely linked to the Little Wandle phonics learning at school. Helping your child to complete these, and reading the books in their Book Bag, will support them with reading.
CLICK HERE for more information on Little Wandle.
CLICK HERE for graphemes taught in Spring.
CLICK HERE and here HERE for a fun video which will help you pronounce Phonemes/sounds correctly (Autumn)
CLICK HERE and for a fun videos which will help you pronounce Phonemes/sounds correctly (Spring)
Early Years Framework (EYFS 2021)
Here is some useful information about the new Early Years Framework. You can also look at Reception's curriculum details (in the 'Curriculum' tab) for more information.
EYFS 2021- Seven Areas of Learning.
EYFS 2021- Early Learning Goals.
Learn about The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning.