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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Sport at Greenleaf

At Greenleaf, sport is given an extremely high profile, with all children participating in PE lessons (including games, athletics, gym and dance) twice a week, many opportunities for children to take part in sporting activities before and after school (Gym, Athletics, Running, Netball, Hockey, Multi-sports, Dance, etc) and a huge number of children representing the school in sporting competitions across the borough and beyond.

Every year, we hold a Sports Achievement Assembly, where every child who has represented the school receives a badge and certificate to acknowledge their commitment.  In addition, two Year 6 children, who have represented the school regularly during their time at Greenleaf, are awarded Outstanding Sporting Achievement Awards each year.

Greenleaf is an active participant in the Waltham Forest Schools Sports Network.  For further information, click here.

Please click here for details of our most recent sporting achievements.