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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery


At Greenleaf, we make the most of London`s rich, cultural opportunities and go on many, many, MANY outings throughout the year. Visiting galleries, museums, theatres, etc brings our learning to life and enables all our pupils to gain enriching experiences. 

Within the Arts, we ensure that all our children visit an art gallery every year from Year 1 to Year 6. 

Year 1 - William Morris Gallery 

Year 2 - Tate Britain/ Vestry House 

Year 3 - Tate Modern 

Year 4 - The Barbican 

Year 5 - The National Gallery  

Year 6 - Tate Modern & The Barbican 

We have also created strong links with the Barbican and Sadler`s Wells and ensure that all our pupils have the opportunity to visit these places, experience live theatre and even get the chance to perform on these world renowned venues. We hope that our children will take these experiences and opportunities into their adults lives.