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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Year 3 Home Learning Spring 1 Week 4

12 Weeks of Christmas – Week 4 | The Paper and Stamp Addict



Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Misss Feggetter

In Class: Ms Allen




Monday Spellings powerpoint

Monday Spellings Powerpoint pdf version


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Tasks

Monday Mini Test (Past and Present Perfect) and Answer Sheet

Past and Present Perfect Extra Practice


Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Monday's Maths Task

Monday's Maths Task (If you are finding this tricky)

Monday's Maths Task (Ms Panesar's Group) 

Monday's Answers 

Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge 

Afternoon Activities 


Last week we found out what Lent means to Christians and how it prepares them for the celebration of Easter. This week, let's find out what Easter means to Christians. First of all, watch these videos and think about these questions: which events in the life of Jesus do Christians remember ? How do they celebrate Easter, at home and in church? 

What is Easter? - BBC Bitesize     

Religious Studies KS2: Easter - BBC Teach​

Choose an activity: 

Sequence and retell the Easter story - picture cards and storyboard

Design an Easter egg or hard boil a real egg and paint it.

Design a stained glass window for a church, representing the Easter story. Easter stained glass ideas

Choose a recipe from the Easter recipe booklet and make something to eat.

If you don't have a printer, don't worry, most of these can be drawn out into your book or on paper. If you can, email a photo of anything you make to your class teacher as we'd love to see what you've been doing!  


Complete one of the challenges that Mr Morris has put on his PE page! https://www.greenleaf-school.org.uk/Learning/Physical-Education/



Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Miss Feggetter

In Class: Ms Allen


Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Tuesday's Questions 


Tuesday's Answers

Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky

Tuesday's Coin Purse Activity

Tuesday's Repeated Addition Grid Coins Instructions

Tuesday's Repeated Addition Grid Coins


Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge


Reading Lesson Video

The Iron Man


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Tasks


Afternoon Activities 


Click here to find out who our Jigsaw Stars are this week and what our new target is from Ms Hurrell... 

Place2Be Video


Today we are going to learn about Marie Curie and then you are going to make or draw your own x-ray and answer some questions about Marie Curie! Read through the smartboard for all the information and the activity.

Marie Curie Smartboard



Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Miss Feggetter

In Class: Ms Allen


Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Wednesday Questions

Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky

Ms Panesar's Group Maths Video

Wednesday's Task Ms Panesars Group

Wednesday's Task Ms Panesars Group Challenge

Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge 


Reading Lesson Video

Iron Man text


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Tasks


Afternoon Activities


Today we are going to learn about Roman soldiers and we are going to design our own Roman shields.Read through the smartboard for all the information and the activity.

Roman Soldiers and Shields Smartboard

Roman Shields Extra Information


Joe Wicks has started doing his PE sessions again. You can find all of Joe Wicks’ PE videos on his YouTube channel. Try out one of his sessions or go back and redo one from the summer. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBsXs1WmPcektsQyFbXTf9FO 



Home Learning Teacher: Miss Feggetter

In Class: Ms Hurrell

10am Larch Zoom Class Assembly - Larch's Got Talent!


Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins 

Maths Lesson Video

Thursday's Questions

Thursday's Answers


Ms Panesar's Group Math's Video

Thursday's Task (Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky)

Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge 


Reading Lesson Video

Iron Man text


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Tasks


Afternoon Activities


Today you are going to learn the months of the year! Look through the Powerpoint and then answer the questions on the worksheet. If you don't have a printer just draw the picture for question 1 and write the months around it. There is a vocab sheet to help you.

Months of the Year Powerpoint

Months of the Year Powerpoint PDF version

Months of the Year Worksheet

Months of the Year Wordsearch

Months of the Year Vocab 


Caoimhe has made some video music lessons for you to join in with each week. Don't worry if your recorder is at school, you dont need to have your recorder with you to join in.

Music Lesson 

Caoimhe has added some extra fun for you to try out today!

Percussion Alla Turca

You will need one home instrument and to choose a colour to follow as it moves to the bottom of the screen.


This week you are going to continue creating a border for your final mosaic (we are going to do this over 2 weeks). Have a look at the example mosaic borders and pick the border that you are going to create. Sketch out a plan first and then create your border. You can do this by colouring small stone shapes, using stickers, cutting out small pieces of coloured paper and sticking them in a border pattern, use whatever materials you have in house, be creative! Rememer to ask an adult if you want to use something and DON'T fill in the middle yet! You don't have to finish the border this week, there will be time next week too.

Example Mosaic Borders



Home Learning Teacher: Miss Feggetter

In Class: Miss Hurrell

9am Maple Zoom Class Assembly - Maple's Got Talent!!


Maths Lesson Video 

Friday's Task - this is mini layered learning sheet. You should answer 2 questions of Do It and 2 questions of Secure It and then all of Deepen It. If you would usually start on Q5 of Do It and Secure It then start on Q3 of both.

Friday Success Criteria and Column Method Reminder

Friday's Answers

Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky

Ms Panesar's Group Math's Video 

Friday's Notes Purse Activity

Friday's Repeated Addition Grid Notes Instructions

Friday's Repeated Addition Grid Notes


Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge



Spellings Powerpoint

Spellings Powerpoint pdf version

Spelling Game


Literacy Lesson Video

Literacy Tasks


Afternoon Activities


Grammar Homophones Powerpoint

Grammar Homophones Powerpoint pdf version

Grammar Homophones mini test


Use Busy Things (use the link on the learning tab – homework) go to KS2 – click on your class page, then computing, click on computer literacy and practise touch typing using either Tree Keys or Bird Words or using Dance Mat Typing https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr