Gallery Shout Outs
Here you will find some of the fabulous work, which you have been sending in!
SCHOOL TWITTER - has your work been featured??
Maths Key Websites
- Times Table Rock Stars
- Busy Things
- Khan Academy
- Corbett Maths
- Corbett Maths 5 a day
- White Rose Maths Resources
Literacy Key Websites
Keeping Well Websites
Welcome to Year 6
This is a very important term for Year 6 pupils as we will be practising, practising, practising skills for the SATs.
Find out about what we are learning this term:
Click here for the Year 6 Spring 1 Newsletter 2025
Year 6 Parent Workshop
Here is our secondary school transition and SATs presentation from the parent workshop.
year 6 secondary transition sept 2024.pdf
Curriculum Map
Please visit our curriculum page to find out what your child will be learning this year.
Other Useful Links
BBC Primary
Oak Academy
This is an online platform that was created to support school closures during the pandemic and provides free teaching resources.
It provides a broad range of subjects that follows the National curriculum. There are still many lessons including video tutorials that you can use at home.