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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Healthy Inside and Outside.

Healthy Eating

Are you eating enough vegetables?

Read on to find links galore to vegetable based recipes...

Are you packing a healthy lunch? It's all about finding a balance of food groups. 

You can use the 'eatwell guide' and the ideas below to ensure a balanced and varied diet.  

 Here are some ideas and links to handy websites....






At Greenleaf we have our own guidance for you. Its based on all the helpful advice from the BBC and the NHS. 


packed lunch guidance parents.pdf





Every break time, the children will be selling fruit in the KS2 playground. The fruit has been kindly donated by Steve in the market. We will charge 20p for each piece of fruit and donate the funds raised to Great Ormand Street Hospital (one of the named charities we will be fundraising for this year!) Children in KS1 already have free fruit each day!



Useful Links:

Click here to find out how to be sugar smart.


NHS Change for Life Lunchbox ideas

BBC Good Food Tasty Packed Lunches

BBC Good Food Lunchboxes Collection

Nutrition Guide


Let's share ideas! Please email the office with any healthy creations you'd like to share. 

Send in photos or recipes and meal planners and we'll post them here.