Parent Teacher Association
Model constitution for the PTA
Parents at Greenleaf Primary School automatically becomes members of our very active, visible and supportive Parent Teacher Association (PTA), when their child joins the school. The PTA works extremely well to develop and promote our diverse school community, to provide a strong link between school and home and to raise funds to provide resources and activities, which the school would not otherwise be able to afford. To do this, the PTA organises a number of amazing whole-school community events each year, including the Summer Fete, a quiz night and an amazing International Evening.
Children are always very excited to see their parents involved in supporting Greenleaf through the PTA, whether in becoming a part of the PTA Committee (6 parents and 4 staff - elected annually) or by helping out at events.
If you would like more information, please contact the PTA Chairperson via the school office.
We look forward to your support at our next event (see the diary for details).