Spring 1 - Week 1 - W/B 5/1/21
Tuesday 5th
This week we will be looking at long multiplication (which I know some of you are already very good at). If you are stuck after watching Tuesday's video, please email Mr Scott on spruce@greenleaf.waltham.sch.uk and he can try help you individually.
Try watching these two videos first for the method and to practice (you can try the starters on them too):
Worksheets and answers
As usual, the layering activity should be completed over two days. If you complete it all on Wednesday you can try the extension activity.
Tuesday worksheet Tuesday answers
Literacy and Humanities
Here is a link to some Persuasive sentence starters which will really help you form your introduction.
Modelled example...
Ideas for layout....
Examples of Ancient Greek brochures
Tuesday Task
To avoid to becoming stuck later in the week, please choose just two areas from the Greek topic above to focus on. Use today's session to make notes on your chosen areas. Please also use today's session to ensure you have read from or chosen an Accelerated Reader book from myON (see top of this page).
Greek Parthenon Tutorial
Wednesday 6th
Maths- Here's Mr Scott with some help on long multiplication...
Wednesday and Thursday Layering sheet
Wednesday and Thursday Layered sheet answers
WCR - Day 1 - Reading with Ms Griffin
WCR - Odysseus - Prologue - WATCH/LISTEN HERE
WCR - Questions
P - Based on the cover, make a prediction about what you think the tale of Odysseus is all about. What makes you think this? Use clues you can infer from the cover to support your answer.
I - Listening to the 1st paragraph of the prologue several times, draw what you think it describes, labelling with quotes which supported your drawing.
V - What is a diadem? Why would a 'circlet os stone' be likened to this? What literary technique has been used here?
R - Who was Hermes? What does he look like?
R - Who were the 3 Goddesses? How is each described?
I - How do you think Paris is feeling stood in front of the Goddesses? (P8) Select 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer.
Here is a link to some Persuasive sentence starters which will really help you form your introduction.
Modelled example...
Home learning links for Science
Thursday 7th
Maths- Never fear! Mr Scott is here to help you with a tricky word problem, using RUCSAC.
Wednesday and Thursday Layering sheet
Wednesday and Thursday Layered sheet answers
WCR - Day 2 - Reading with Ms Griffin
WCR - Odysseus - Chapter 1 - The Stranger - WATCH/LISTEN HERE
WCR - Questions
R - How long, according to the text, did the Trojan War last. How do you know?
I - 'The island was in a state of chaos.' Why? What specifics do we hear of?
R/I - What did Penelope do to try and avoid her suitors? What was cunning about this?
I - Read the paragraph on P12 beginning 'Meanwhile...' Draw the scene this paragraph depicts.
R - What 6 items were served at the great hall? (P13)
R - Why does King Alcinous order his storyteller to stop?
I - What makes the stranger so sorrowful?
I - What sight does Oysseus imagine in his mind's eye? Do you think this happened?
Friday 8th
Maths investigation link (please note that the answers are at the bottom of the document)
WCR - Day 3 - Reading with Ms Hilmi
WCR - Odysseus - Chapter 2 - The Cyclops - WATCH/LISTEN HERE
WCR - Questions
I - Why is the island described as a 'paradise'? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
V - Define 'premonition' P22.
R - Who are the cyclopes?
I - Why do you think the devouring of the man was described in such detail? Explain what effect this has on the reader? (P23)
R - What gift did the cyclops give in return?
R/I - Why was it a 'terrible game of blindman's bluff'? (P26)
I - Why do you think Odysseus is described as the 'ram among sheep'?
I - Why do you think their 'gloating will cost them dearly'? What does it mean to gloat?
Below is an example of some Greek art using paper plates. Create your own based on the samples. If you don't have a paper plate,then be as creative as you like!
Examples of Ancient Greek brochures