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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Spring 1 - Week 6 - W/B 8/2/21

Monday 8th

Monday - Ms Griffin - in class / Mr Scott - home learning



Literacy - WCR

As we have now finished our WCR text for Spring 1, Odysseus, but are not ready to start our new text of The Highwayman, we are going to have a pic 'n' mix WCR week! Each day there will be a video to watch, a poem to read or a short story to investigate, alongside corresponding WCR questions based on VIPERS. (V=vocabulary, I=inference, P=prediction, E=explanation, R=retrieval, S=summarise)

 For today, we have something REALLY SPECIAL!

 In place of what would have been Greenleaf's annual Book Week, your teachers have got together to create a book challenge video! Watch the video to see if you can guess which characters/books the teachers are portraying and submit your answers by the end of the week. We're so sorry we're unable to take part in our usual Book Week, because we know it's one of the highlights of the year, but rest assured we will be doing something for World Book Day in March, and are planning on moving Book Week to later on in the year!

Book Challenge - Your Answers Sheet

 Literacy - Writing

It's Rainbow Poetry week in Y5! Listen to a colour themed song a day, to get you in the mood! We've gone for the theme of Rainbows as we've had a pretty colourful year, what with art week and 'Hello Yellow' day, but also because, throughout lockdown, the rainbow has been a symbol of unity and thanks to all our NHS and key workers.

Rainbow Song of the Day




  • Populate the table below, matching the shades to the correct colour! Remember to pay close attention to the spellings! 
  • scarlet, sapphire, canary, amber, jade, prussian, mustard, lavender, dandelion, emerald, burgundy, apricot, crimson, rust, mint, azure, violet, amethyst.
Rainbow Poetry





Check out James' video for this week's PE!



Tuesday 9th

Tuesday - Ms Griffin - in class / Mr Scott - home learning


If you are finding these a bit tricky, start on this and then move on to the sheet above: Alternative Layering (answers at bottom)



Literacy - WCR 

If you haven't already done it, make sure you try and guess the teacher book challenge video! (See yesterday's WCR learning for details.)


Literacy - Writing

Rainbow Song of the Day


 Safer Internet Day


Green Schools


Wednesday 10th

 Wednesday - Ms Franklin - in class / Mr Scott + Ms Griffin - home learning


As Tuesday. If you finish all the Layering try this challenge: 

Literacy - WCR

Literacy - Writing

Rainbow Song of the Day




Thursday 11th

Thursday - Mr Scott - in class / Ms Griffin - home learning



Literacy - WCR

Teacher Book Challenge video

Download the answers here

Lets step into the land of the Ickabog today and see what J.K.Rowling's latest book has in store....

Literacy - Writing

Rainbow Song of the Day



Friday 12th

Friday - Mr Scott - in class / Ms Griffin - home learning

Download all the information here for the online Classical Myths sessions!


You've made it through the 1st half-term! WAHOO! Can we just say again, a MASSIVE well done to every single one of you - you all make us so unbelievably proud AND can we also say a HUGE thank you to all of your parents because they have also worked incredibly hard in supporting you and supporting us, so thank you all and have a wonderful half-term break!

Literacy - Writing

Rainbow Song of the Day


Directions document

Map of France