Year 3 Home Learning Spring 1 Week 6
Weekly Noticeboard
1. It's nearly half term!!! Well done for working so hard all this half term. We are so proud of you all and we have been really impressed with how hard you have been working. A BIG thank you to the parents too for all your support and hard work throughout this challenging time. We hope you all have a restful well earned half term break.
2. We are doing a book swap on Monday morning 8th February. Larch is 9.15-9.45 and Maple is 9.45-10.15. We have emailed out your times for collection. We will also be giving you a DT sewing pack, our class text after the Iron Man, and other bits and pieces. Please bring any books you have at home with you so that we can clean them and put them back in the boxes at school. Please don't use the DT sewing pack or strip of paper before or during half term! All will be revealed after half term!!
3. To celebrate Half Term we want to put together a video of you all! Please send a photo of you holding a picture you have drawn of what you would like to be when you grow up. Please email your photos to your class email address. Thank you so much to everyone who has already sent in a picture, they are fantastic! Please check your parents are happy for your faces to be on the website before sending, but we'd love to get you all involved as we are missing you loads.
4. We have our first word millionaire in Year 3! Well done Albert!
Ms Panesar's Maths Challenge
Monday 8th February
Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Miss Feggetter
In Class: Ms Allen
Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins
Monday's Maths Task (Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky)
Monday Ms Panesar Maths Group Answers
Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge
Monday Spellings Powerpoint pdf version
Afternoon Activities
We have now finished our unit of work on Christian celebrations throughout the year. During each of these, Christians are always thinking about the Holy Trinity, which is God, the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God, the Holy Spirit. Look at this powerpoint whic explains how God is thought of as one being, made up of 3 parts. We would like you to design your own holy trinity symbol.
Holy Trinity Powerpoint pdf version
Coach James has put together a video of some activities to keep you moving at home.
Tuesday 9th February
Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Miss Feggetter
In Class: Ms Allen
Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins
Tuesday Smarties Questions (Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky)
Tuesday's Answers (Ms Panesar's Group or If you are finding this tricky)
Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge
Afternoon Activities
Click here to find out who our Jigsaw Stars are this week and what our new target is from Ms Hurrell...
Computing - Safer Internet Day
We would like you to design a poster or leaflet about staying safe online. You need to include information about separating fact from fiction on the internet and how to know what you can trust.
Today we would like to dchoose a scientist to do some research about and then write a profile page about them. You need to include their full name, dates, Who were they? What are they famous for? and facts about their life. Read through the smartboard to give you a bit more information.
Wednesday 10th February
Home Learning Teacher: Miss Hurrell and Miss Feggetter
In Class: Ms Allen
Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins
Wednesday Questions (Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky)
Wednesday's Answers (Ms Panesar's Group or if you are finding this tricky)
Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge
Afternoon Activities
Today we are going to learn about Boudicca and the Briton's Revolt! Watch the video about Boudicca's Revolt and then read this source about her.
Using what you have found out, we would like you to draw an interesting picture and write a paragraph about Boudicca that shows us what she looked like and a little bit about her personality.
If you would like more information about Boudicca and the revolt you can look at the Smartboard.
Joe Wicks has started doing his PE sessions again. You can find all of Joe Wicks’ PE videos on his YouTube channel. Try out one of his sessions or go back and redo one from the summer.
Thursday 11th February
Home Learning Teacher: Miss Feggetter
In Class: Ms Hurrell
10am Larch Zoom Class Assembly
Practice your times tables using TTRS or Numbergym for 10 mins
Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge
Afternoon Activities
Today you are going to learn about birthdays. Look through the Powerpoint and then answer the questions on the worksheet. There is a vocab sheet to help you.
Birthday Powerpoint pdf version
Caoimhe has made some video music lessons for you to join in with each week. Don't worry if your recorder is at school, you dont need to have your recorder with you to join in. There is a sheet to go with this week's lesson but don't worry if you don't have a printer you can just write it out in your home learning book or say the answers out loud.
This week there are a couple of fantastic videos that Caoimhe would like you to watch.
Flight of the Bumble Bee on a Xylephone
Flight of the Bumble Bee on Bottles!
Friday 12th February
Home Learning Teacher: Miss Feggetter
In Class: Miss Hurrell
9am Maple Zoom Class Assembly
The activity is in the video. If you woud like a challenge you could create a pictogram with the information from your survey.
Ms Panesar's Daily Maths Challenge
Spellings Powerpoint pdf version
Afternoon Activities
Global Learning
Watch Mr Scott's video about the Sustainable development goals,
and then:
1. Take the quiz:
2. Create a fact file describing what each of the Sustainable Development Goals are and how we can try to achieve them in school or at home.
Send your lovely work to Mr Scott:
Have a fantastic half term break!