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Greenleaf Primary School & Nursery

Your Work!

A huge thank you to everyone who has emailed us to show us all of the wonderful work you have been completing at home. This page showcases all the fantastic work you have been doing. We love seeing the pictures of all the wonderful things you have been up to, so please keep emailing them to us and we will share them here so everyone can see!



Miss F and Miss H


Beautiful flower Maya!

Mia has created this fantastic picture of Stonehenge at sunset.

Tanuj has drawn this temple shrine for RE, the detail is fantastic Tanuj!

Zeeshan has created these wonderful Fair Trade items. I love the boat!

Qasim has been busy with the fair trade activities too. He also helped his sister out with her science experiment - luckily it worked so he didn't get drenched!

Beautiful and colourful work Mia!

That must have been so much fun to build and push over Georgi! Amazing!

Tanuj has been busy, writing facts about watermelons, putting together a worship tray remembering all the components from his drawing of the diety shrine. He also took a trip to see the Seven Sisters White Cliffs and made a figure of a kid with shells he collected on the beach.

Suleman has been busy too, growing poeas and making a fantastic spider. Great job Suleman!

Joseph S has been buring off some energy BMXing with his brother!

Mia has written this fantastic poem about friendship with beautiful illustrations.

Tanuj has been working on lots of different activities; he did a very cool science experiment with oil, food colouring and water, made a fantastic model of his favourite Brawlstars character Sprout, created a spider and rose out of foil,made a Mandala with his shell collection and has done lots of reading! Wonderful stuff Tanuj!

Freddie has written a fantastic friendship story that tells the tale of Jack and Sammy the Squirrel, you can read the whole story here.